Monday, February 6, 2017

War Of Donald Trump - US Presidential War

Piers Morgan Trump

The Person Who has supported Trump in his whole presidential Campaign is giving warning and all the people around world .

Piers Morgan who is currently working as Editor –at-Large in Daily Mail, has told tuck Carlson that there is something like war is going on between Trump Administration and Media and he considered this war as Dangerous. He is a good friend of President Donald Trump. Previously he has said a lot good things about trump.

Previous Statements of Morgan about Trump

“The principle of what he is doing is understandable; the way he has gone about it, in my view, is unacceptable. But let’s not just say that every time he speaks he’s a monster, because it’s not true.”

“I like him. He’s been very loyal to me in many different ways, which I have greatly appreciated, and I judge him for how he behaves as a campaigner and now as a president.”

He Personally thinks that Media should show some respect to the 45th US President and Considered this War as a Pretty Rich for Media.

Morgan Piers Says about War Between Media and Trump

"You have a war between the media and the White House, the likes of which I've never seen before," he said, "It's pretty dangerous all around."